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Trilateral Programmes: CEE, SEE and Maghreb Networks and their regional advisers

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The close cooperation between Germany and France is based on the goal of securing peace in Europe. Franco-German relations are at the heart of a...

Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace - Call for applications or projets

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On the occasion of the commemoration of the centenary of the end of the First World War, the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) together with various...

FGYO's focus topics

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The FGYO deals with many very different topics. To help you understand which ones are particularly close to our hearts, you will find descriptions of...

100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace

Closing documentation

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Module descriptions

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Civic commitment / Engagement citoyen / Bürgerengagement - Publication


Tobias Bütow

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Tobias Bütow, born 1978 in Magdeburg, has been appointed as the German Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office on March 1st, 2019.

Trilateral exchange of specialists – Kick-off in Lyon - News

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‘War(s) in Europe. Shared experience, collective memory? – Germany, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina’. The kick-off event with multipliers from formal...

Art is a language - News

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In difficult turbulent times, you have 2 options: to become a weak person or to become stronger

2022 CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds - Call for applications or projets

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The call for projects for the 2022 CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds are online!

Trilateral programmes with the Maghreb

Preview Maghreb-Konferenz in Tunis

The trilateral work of the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is rooted in the conviction that central questions about the future of Europe can only be...

Powiedz coś! – Przewodnik po animacji językowej w spotkaniach trzynarodowych - Publication

Tomorrow Together e.V. - Partenaire

Tomorrow Together is a young NGO with great potential. It is registered under the District Court of Bonn (Registration no. VR 11716) The NGO is formed...

State representatives and the correspondantes and correspondants régionaux

Preview Réunion annuelle des correspondantes et correspondants régionaux

State representatives in Germany and the correspondantes and correspondants régionaux in France serve as points of contact for international youth...

The communication kit

Preview DFJW-Infomaterial

We would be delighted if you would present the FGYO’s exchange programmes and provide more young people an opportunity for intercultural experiences...

Appreciation and development of multilinguistic skills in Franco-German youth meetings

Sports: Moving together, learning from each other

Preview Jugendliche beim Sport

Sports activities offer low-threshold opportunities to come into contact with each other. People who have agreed on shared rules can play with or...

Education and training

Preview Formations

An intercultural exchange fosters personal growth, mutual understanding and a deepening of international friendships. These positive impacts are...

Environmental protection and sustainability shape work of the FGYO

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Climate change concerns us all. Already today, children, adolescents and young adults are more affected by the impacts than previous generations...