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The CNOUS / CROUS and the Studierendenwerke - CMS

Preview Des étudiantes et étudiants

The mission of student unions is to promote young people’s social, economic, cultural and health interests. They offer students in the individual...

The academic correspondants - CMS

Preview correspondants-academiques-2022.jpg

One of the major objectives of the FGYO is the development of language learning in the formal education environments of its partnering countries. To...

The FGYO Young Ambassadors - CMS

Preview Réunion annuelle des Jeunes Ambassadrices et Ambassadeurs

Who better to explain how enriching an exchange with the neighbouring country can be than young people who have already experienced this themselves...

Discover Germany avec the lecturers - CMS

Preview Group photo of FranceMobil and animators

Whet the appetite for the German language and culture! The network is here to assist you. Many school pupils in France have no contact...

The FranceMobil lecturers whet the appetite for a visit to France - CMS

Preview Animatrices et animateurs FranceMobil 2023/24

Even a single encounter with the French language can convince students to learn French and gain experience through intercultural exchange.

Deutsche Welle: “Youth for Peace: Inspiring ideas for ‘old men with ties’” - Publication

Article about the opening ceremony of Youth for Peace

FGYO-supported training courses - Publication

To ensure that intercultural exchanges among young people are a positive experience and trigger a lasting learning process, trained educational...

France & Germany to host Armistice Centenary “Youth for Peace” forum - Publication

Hundreds of young people from Europe and neighbouring countries will meet in Berlin in November 2018 to develop present-day ideas for peace in the...

OFAJ – BALKANS – Dialogues for a European future - Publication

The FGYO info points - CMS

Preview Réunion de réseau des PIO à Lille

Would you like to learn more about the exchange programmes and the work of the FGYO? You will learn everything you need to know at the FGYO info...

Calls for projects for the 2024 CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds are online! - Call for applications or projets

Preview karte-trilaterale-partnerlande.png

The calls for projects for trilateral programmes with countries in Central and Eastern Europe, South Eastern Europe or the Maghreb are aimed at actors...

CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds 2023 - Call for applications or projets

Preview karte-trilaterale-partnerlande.png

The call for projects for the 2023 CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds are online!

Europe begins in your city! - Call for applications or projets

Preview ebids.png

Strengthening the participation of young people at the local government level - for more democracy and social participation!

The patronage of the FGYO - CMS

Preview Frank-Walter Steinmeier und Emmanuel Macron

To mark the 60th anniversary of the Élysée Treaty and the Treaty of Aachen, the German Federal President and the French President are assuming the...

Tobias Bütow - CMS

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Tobias Bütow, born 1978 in Magdeburg, has been appointed as the German Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office on March 1st, 2019.

Anne Tallineau - CMS

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Anne Tallineau has been appointed as the French Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office on January 1st, 2020.

Press, photos and videos - CMS

Preview youth-for-peace-participants-4.png

"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Module descriptions - CMS

Preview youth-for-peace-participants-4.png

"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Charter of intercultural dialogue and diversity - CMS

Preview youth-for-peace-participants-4.png

"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

The program - CMS

Preview youth-for-peace-participants-4.png

"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"