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Language animation, a bridge between cultures - Publication

Overcoming language barriers and easing intercultural communication are two of the main elements and goals of youth exchanges. Developed by the Franco...

Colloque Une « École OFAJ »

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Enjeux et perspectives de la recherche interculturelle franco-allemande Colloque en ligne - 2021

Training Standards in Arabic - Publication

share about the world press freedom day - Call for applications or projets

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Let's celebrate the World Press Freedom Day!

Trilateral exchange of specialists - Call for applications or projets

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‘War(s) in Europe. Shared experience, collective memory? – Germany, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina’

European Youth Parliament Event Lyon 2021 - Call for applications or projets

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The European Youth Parliament is organizing a week long EU parliamentary simulation !

CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds 2023 - Call for applications or projets

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The call for projects for the 2023 CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds are online!

EU*Connect - Call for applications or projets

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An Interactive Digital Campus for Participants from Ukraine, France and Germany

Diversity and participation

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‘It’s always the same people who get to go abroad.’  Do you believe that, too? And yet the numbers tell a different story.

Global tools, local action

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

The 2019 meeting

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

The program

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Youth must move and be optimistic looking to the future - News

Preview Yemima Paendong lors de la réunion de préparation de la YOU:KO

„You are never too young to lead, and you should never doubt your capacity to triumph where others have not“. - The Kofi Anan

The academic correspondants

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One of the major objectives of the FGYO is the development of language learning in the formal education environments of its partnering countries. To...

The Treaty of Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle)

Preview Emmanuel Macron et Angela Merkel lors de la signature du traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle

by Corine Defrance and Ulrich Pfeil

Organizational chart

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The 100 employees of the FGYO work in bi-nationally staffed departments in both Paris, Berlin and Saarbrücken.

Remembrance and Peace Education

Preview Eine Karte von Europa im Jahr 1914

The current geopolitical situation demonstrates the need to come to terms with the past in order to understand the present and to work together for...

Research projects

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Based on fundamental and applied research, current projects within the FGYO encompass a large scope of subject matter.