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Information for participants - Publication

FGYO self-portrayal short version - Publication

Le Franco-Allemand ... or how understanding becomes friendship

Preview Echange avec des enfants

The FGYO is part of a Franco-German network that maintains and promotes mutual relations. Together with a host of partners, it has dedicated itself to...


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Vous trouverez ici nos contacts pour les demandes de presse ainsi que les communiqués de presse, les photos et les rendez-vous ouverts à la presse...

The trilateral encounters of the FGYO

Preview Jeunes lors d'une rencontre trinationale

Many of the meetings sponsored by the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) bring participants together from Germany, France and other countries. In this...

Trilateral programmes with European countries

Preview Drapeau européen

Germany and France have a special responsibility within and for Europe. Today, these erstwhile ‘traditional enemies’ are ‘nearly best friends’...

Trilateral encounters with South-Eastern Europe

Preview Une carte de l'Europe

Young people are important multipliers for tolerance, democracy, solidarity and equality of opportunity as part of the larger effort to chart a...

The Board of Governors

Preview Photo de groupe des membres du conseil d'administration 2023

The photo was taken during the 19th session of the Board of Governors on December 18th, 2023.

Research projects

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Based on fundamental and applied research, current projects within the FGYO encompass a large scope of subject matter.

Trilateral Programmes: CEE, SEE and Maghreb Networks and their regional advisers

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The close cooperation between Germany and France is based on the goal of securing peace in Europe. Franco-German relations are at the heart of a...

Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace - Call for applications or projets

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On the occasion of the commemoration of the centenary of the end of the First World War, the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) together with various...

FGYO's focus topics

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The FGYO deals with many very different topics. To help you understand which ones are particularly close to our hearts, you will find descriptions of...

100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace

Closing documentation

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Module descriptions

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Civic commitment / Engagement citoyen / Bürgerengagement - Publication


Tobias Bütow

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Tobias Bütow, born 1978 in Magdeburg, has been appointed as the German Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office on March 1st, 2019.

Trilateral exchange of specialists – Kick-off in Lyon - News

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‘War(s) in Europe. Shared experience, collective memory? – Germany, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina’. The kick-off event with multipliers from formal...

Art is a language - News

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In difficult turbulent times, you have 2 options: to become a weak person or to become stronger