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Web-Café trilateral projects with Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Wednesday 29 May, 17:00 - Call for applications or projets

The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) and Europa Direkt e. V. cordially invite you to a web-café on trilateral encounters.

The FranceMobil lecturers whet the appetite for a visit to France

Preview Animatrices et animateurs FranceMobil 2023/24

Even a single encounter with the French language can convince students to learn French and gain experience through intercultural exchange.

NGO Eco-team - Partenaire

Eco-Team is a non-government organization with its headquarters in Montenegro. Our mission is environmental protection and sustainable use of natural...

The FGYO motivates young people to get involved and to live up to their values

Preview Jugendliche vor dem EU-Parlament

One of the most important concerns of the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is to maintain democracy as a cornerstone of our societies in Germany and...

PANORAMA is the name of the new analysis paper in the FGYO’s research area!


‘PANORAMA. Franco-German and European analyses’ provides a scientific look at mobility, Europe, youth and intercultural exchange.

Young people are shaping the future of Europe

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Following the experiences of the Second World War, motivating young people to engage in a shared exchange on behalf of democracy, peace and...

Taking mobility into schools. Institutional mobility as a part of an inclusive school policy

Preview Teilnehmer:innen des Voltaire-Programms

This Franco-German research project set out for three years studies mobility in schools on an institutional level. The project focuses on best...

Second CEE Network Meeting in Chisinau: New Projects with Central and Eastern Europe and the Eastern Partnership - News

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From 2 to 5 July 2024, the FGYO organised his second network meeting for youth work professionals from Germany, France, and Central and Eastern...

Integration and equal opportunities / Intégration et égalité des chances / Integration und Chancengleichheit - Publication

Training Standards in Serbian - Publication

Mobidico - the FGYO’s mobile phone glossary application - Publication

Mobidico is an interactive mobile app designed to help young people who take part in exchange programs to learn French or German.

The educational concept

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

Press, photos and videos

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"Youth for Peace - 100 Years after World War I, 100 Ideas for Peace"

FGYO magazine #1.2015 - Publication

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Reconciliation as a source of inspiration

Anne Tallineau

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Anne Tallineau has been appointed as the French Secretary General of the Franco-German Youth Office on January 1st, 2020.

Nantes Creative Generations Forum 2018 - Call for applications or projets

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You are aged 18-30 ? You are leading an project designed to strengthen the no­tion of citizenship, of « living together » in your city ? Come to...

Re-boot Europe! Conference by young citizens on the Future of Europe - Call for applications or projets

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Online conference for young citizens from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, France, Germany, Kosovo*, Montenegro, Northern Macedonia, and...