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Discover Germany avec the lecturers

Preview Group photo of FranceMobil and animators

Whet the appetite for the German language and culture! The network is here to assist you. Many school pupils in France have no contact...

New fields of cooperation in the frame of the EU Eastern Partnership – how can youth contribute to its future? - Call for applications or projets

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Encounter between young people from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Germany and France

European youth project “Neighbourhood in Europe – Shaping Cohesion” - Call for applications or projets

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Do you like dancing or acting? Are you also interested in Europe and would you like to meet your European neighbours and shape European cohesion...

“Our Europe, Our Future!” - Call for applications or projets

Preview notre-europe-notre-avenir-2023.png

In the year of its 60th anniversary, the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) wants to contribute more than ever to mutual understanding and exchange in...

Trilateral Youth Exchange ‘War(s) in Europe. Shared experience, collective memory? – Germany, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina’ - Call for applications or projets

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From 9 October to 18 October 2023 (Departure on 19 October) – the dedicated online platform for evaluating youth exchanges - Publication

Are you responsible for planning Franco-German or trilateral youth exchanges? Looking for feedback to know exactly what the participants experienced...

FGYO institutional brochure - Publication

Building bridges between cultures,generations and societies

The Elysée Treaty

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by Corine Defrance and Ulrich Pfeil

CEE-Network-Meeting for organisers of intercultural youth exchange projects - Call for applications or projets

The project is aimed at representatives of NGOs, schools and other youth organisations that already organise intercultural exchange projects or intend...

Intercultural learning

Preview Séminaire du réseau des Jeunes Ambassadrices et Ambassadeurs OFAJ

Bridge the gap: That is the mission entrusted to the FGYO when it was founded by the Élysée Treaty. Its purpose is to promote mutual understanding...

The pedagogical staff

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The pedagogical staff create an important link between independent associations in youth work and the FGYO.


Preview Illustration site OFAJ sur ordinateur portable

Don’t miss any deadlines or exciting news from the FGYO! Stay up to date by registering for the FGYO Newsletter.

Partners and networks: Together for Franco-German friendship

Preview Netzwerktreffen

The FGYO itself is active in many areas of youth encounters, but it would not be possible to achieve the diversity and quality of the numerous...

Calls for projects for the 2025 CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds are online! - Call for applications or projets

Do you represent a school, university, association, federation or youth organisation? Are you interested in organising a youth encounter between...

The Franco-German Voluntary Service: the impact of mobility on participant’s personal development

Preview Freiwillige bei der Jubiläumsfeier des Freiwilligendienstes

This research project aims to analyze and evaluate the effects of the Franco-German Voluntary Service over a period of two years, examining the role...

Working with a partner: A great experience for all

Preview Teilnehmer des Programms „Arbeit beim Partner“

The ‘Work with a partner’ programme brings together career starters and clubs, cultural or social institutions in Germany and France. The FGYO...

Trilateral encounters with Central and Eastern Europe

Preview Carte d'Europe

The enlargement of the European Union since 2004 by 10 new Member States and the accession of Bulgaria, Romania (2007) and Croatia (2013) mark...

FGYO trilateral programs organized with the Maghreb countries - Publication

Download the arabic version "البرامج الثلاثية لمكتبالشباب الألماني الفرنسي مع منطقةالمغرب العربي" Download the french version "Programmes trinationaux...

Unternehmergesellschaft Haftungsbeschrankt Roter Baum Berlin - Partenaire

"Roter Baum" Berlin UG (haftungsbeschänkt) is nongovernmental organisation founded 2011 by "Roter Baum" e.V. and is running all projects of "Roter...

Democracy Lab: “Agree to disagree“ - Call for applications or projets

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Apply now and become part of "Democracy Lab" of the FGYO!