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The pedagogical staff

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The pedagogical staff create an important link between independent associations in youth work and the FGYO.


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Partners and networks: Together for Franco-German friendship

Preview Netzwerktreffen

The FGYO itself is active in many areas of youth encounters, but it would not be possible to achieve the diversity and quality of the numerous...

Calls for projects for the 2025 CEE, SEE and Maghreb special funds are online! - Call for applications or projets

Do you represent a school, university, association, federation or youth organisation? Are you interested in organising a youth encounter between...

The Franco-German Voluntary Service: the impact of mobility on participant’s personal development

Preview Freiwillige bei der Jubiläumsfeier des Freiwilligendienstes

This research project aims to analyze and evaluate the effects of the Franco-German Voluntary Service over a period of two years, examining the role...

Working with a partner: A great experience for all

Preview Teilnehmer des Programms „Arbeit beim Partner“

The ‘Work with a partner’ programme brings together career starters and clubs, cultural or social institutions in Germany and France. The FGYO...

Trilateral encounters with Central and Eastern Europe

Preview Carte d'Europe

The enlargement of the European Union since 2004 by 10 new Member States and the accession of Bulgaria, Romania (2007) and Croatia (2013) mark...

80th Anniversary of D-Day and Liberation of France - Call for applications or projets

Preview D-Day logos

Be amongst the young historians, actors and screenwriters of this innovative project on commemoration and create a modern way of mediating history...

The CNOUS / CROUS and the Studierendenwerke

Preview Des étudiantes et étudiants

The mission of student unions is to promote young people’s social, economic, cultural and health interests. They offer students in the individual...

The FGYO info points

Preview Réunion de réseau des PIO à Lille

Would you like to learn more about the exchange programmes and the work of the FGYO? You will learn everything you need to know at the FGYO info...

100 Girls of Azerbaijan - Partenaire

100 Girls of Azerbaijan social initiative aims to promote Girls Empowerment and Education Opportunities in Azerbaijan, with special focus on...

Political participation of young people in Germany and France

Preview Des jeunes lors d'un atelier sur l'Europe

A three-year Franco-German research project investigating the social structures and living conditions of marginalized young people from migrant...

Cross-border cultural events

Preview Französische Filmtage Tübingen | Stuttgart

The Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) works with its partners to organise cross-border cultural events. This gives young people from both countries...

Young european Federalist Moldova - Partenaire

JEF Moldova is a political youth NGO advocating for the establishment of a democratic federation in Europe as a foundation for peace, the rule of law...

Language development

Preview Echange avec des enfants

The best way to get to know another person is in his or her own language: With this thought in mind, language development in the interest of better...

We are looking for our new Europamobil-Team 2019! - Call for applications or projets

Preview europamobil-20192.jpg

Europamobil offers an exciting European experience for pupils and students.

100 years after the First World War – 100 projects for peace

Preview Image issue d'un atelier sur l'histoire européenne

This research project focuses on the ways of preserving the memory of the First World War through youth exchange programs and projects that are funded...

FGYO-supported training courses - Publication

To ensure that intercultural exchanges among young people are a positive experience and trigger a lasting learning process, trained educational...

Language animation, a bridge between cultures - Publication

Overcoming language barriers and easing intercultural communication are two of the main elements and goals of youth exchanges. Developed by the Franco...

Colloque Une « École OFAJ »

Preview une-ecole-ofaj-insta.png

Enjeux et perspectives de la recherche interculturelle franco-allemande Colloque en ligne - 2021