FGYO's focus topics
The FGYO deals with many very different topics. To help you understand which ones are particularly close to our hearts, you will find descriptions of our main topics on this page.

One of the most important concerns of the Franco-German Youth Office (FGYO) is to maintain democracy as a cornerstone of our societies in Germany and...
‘It’s always the same people who get to go abroad.’ Do you believe that, too? And yet the numbers tell a different story.
Climate change concerns us all. Already today, children, adolescents and young adults are more affected by the impacts than previous generations...
Many people in Germany and France are dedicated to understanding, exchange and friendship with the neighbouring country. This commitment is an...
Europe? What on earth does it have to do with me? Is this something you’ve heard, too? Or maybe you also think Europe has nothing to do with you? Far...
An intercultural exchange fosters personal growth, mutual understanding and a deepening of international friendships. These positive impacts are...
Town and regional twinning are immensely important to the FGYO and to Franco-German relations. They laid the groundwork for the encounters between the...
Sports activities offer low-threshold opportunities to come into contact with each other. People who have agreed on shared rules can play with or...
The current geopolitical situation demonstrates the need to come to terms with the past in order to understand the present and to work together for...
The best way to get to know another person is in his or her own language: With this thought in mind, language development in the interest of better...
What makes the FGYO unique
The FGYO is part of a Franco-German network that maintains and promotes mutual relations. Together with a host of partners, it has dedicated itself to...
Bridge the gap: That is the mission entrusted to the FGYO when it was founded by the Élysée Treaty. Its purpose is to promote mutual understanding...
Reciprocity is a central component of all of the exchange projects sponsored by the FGYO and its partners. When project participants are hosts as well...
The FGYO itself is active in many areas of youth encounters, but it would not be possible to achieve the diversity and quality of the numerous...