This event is aimed at professionals and volunteers in international youth exchanges, as well as federations and associations wishing to organize meetings for young people from France, Germany and the Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia-and-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia) specializing in the main topics of this meeting:

  • climate change and environmental protection,
  • history and memory work,
  • strengthening local democracy and youth participation,
  • the integration into the European Union.

The goals of this meeting are to:

  • inform about the projects of our partner organisations, FGYO’s work and its programmes,
  • highlight the civic education work carried out to date by the network and the FGYO,
  • open up the network to new stekholders, and at the same time strengthen existing co-operations
  • share best practices and promote exchange,
  • initiate new encounters.

The working language will be English, but we will try to make room for all languages.

Participants will be accommodated in twin-bed rooms separated by gender. The FGYO covers the costs of the programme, accommodation and meals and grants a travel allowance of up to €350 for participants from Germany and France and up to €160 for participants from the Western Balkans. People from Bosnia and Herzegovina receive a maximum of €20. Travelling to and from the event must be arranged by the participants themselves and will be reimbursed after the event.

We invite you to register using this form.

The closing date for applications is March 2, 2025. Due to the limited number of places, the FGYO reserves the right to limit the number of participants to one person per organisation if there is great interest. Please take this into account.

For further questions, please contact

We look forward to your application!